I'm a full-time wife and mom of two adorable boys. When I'm not busy trying to keep up with them I enjoy photography, traveling, planning parties and a little bit of reading.

In February of 2008 I was diagnosed with an incurable terminal lung illness, though God promised me a full and complete healing. While we wait for His timing, we're taking it one day at a time, and standing in awe of how God's using all of this for His glory. The tough road we've traveled has given us a new perspective on the fragility of life. Memories are more important to us than ever before. The goal of this blog is to share some of our family life - the ups and downs, the joys and probably some of the pains as well. It's mostly meant as a personal journal of sorts, but you're welcome to share in it. We'd like to take this opportunity to say ...


Monday, January 25, 2010

some beautiful fresh air

This past weekend was "Ladies Weekend" on Dogwood!  My former college roommates came out and we celebrated "Christmas" together. (Hey - so what if it's almost February - we live busy lives, and better late than never!)  These ladies have stood by me through thick and through thin.  It's such a blessing to have friends, with whom you can "pick up" right where you left off - whether it's been two months, or twelve since last getting together.

By the way - I paid a whopping $13 for the painting that's behind us!
I should change my name to "Thrifty Chick!

The ladies decided that my house desperately needed more greenery.  Considering my lung problems, I can definitely use more oxygen in the air, and what better than little beauties that create it for me?  So - they brought me some "beautiful fresh air"!  They've learned through the years, that when it comes to plants, I'm drawn to ones with texture, interesting leaves, and unusual shapes.  And the ladies delivered!

The Flapjack

The Blushing (Something - I forget the rest of its name)

And Sage

Isn't that a cute little dark violet flower?

And check out that texture!

Then this weekend they helped me pick out a new Rubber Plant.  I simply LOVE these things - they're virtually indestructible!
(Unless of course you accidentally leave one outside too long in the autumn - and after two frosts remember that it's still outside. Not that I'm speaking from experience, or anything....)

Most of the newest plant additions don't mind if I "forget" them for a couple weeks - and with my track record, that's a very good thing!  The sage might be a bit less forgiving, so he's currently perched by my kitchen sink.  Hopefully when I'm washing dishes I'll remember that he might be thirsty - we'll see.  The ladies also gave my current plants some much needed TLC - even repotted one for me!  I'm gonna make a conscious effort to do better with my plants.  I need to make it more of a habit if I wanna have a successful garden this summer.

Speaking of which - it's almost February - the month when I'm planning to finalize my garden plans.  This past weekend I received a book in the mail from my mother-in-law (who's gardened for years - her largest was a full acre!).  It was a wonderful surprise - and an excellent way to jump-start my gardening thought process!

I'm also eagerly awaiting two more books on the topic to arrive in this week's mail.

Part of why I want to have a vegetable garden is so I can have "fresh" produce all year-long.  And since I know nothing on the topic - I thought it would be a good thing to find out how to put up vegetables.  There's no point in my having 50 onion plants just to find out that I can't freeze or can any of the produce.
(That was obviously just an example - I'm NOT really considering 50 onion plants.)

So - here's to plants...
that give us air to breathe and food to nourish us!

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