It's both amazing and a bit saddening how quickly our kids grow up. I've been going through our closets (aka storage) this past week and this morning finally tackled the one in Alex's room which has old diaper boxes filled with his clothes from each former size. I remember when I put the very first onesie in the very first box, and now Harrison's already worn and outgrown the clothes in two of the boxes. Originally I wanted four kids. Because of my health problems I'm finished at two, and I've finally come to terms with that (I think I have, anyway). So each fuss, each poopy diaper I try to think, "that's the last one I'll hear/have to change of a child this age." Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not excited when it comes time to wrangle my active 10 month old, in a futile attempt to wipe his tush before he flips and crawls away at lightening speed. It's just that I'm awestruck that the time is going by so quickly.
December was a really busy month for us - as I'm sure it was for you too. Last night we finally found (or made) the time to do our final Christmas gift exchange with some friends. It had been a long time since we'd gotten together - far too long. Alex absolutely adores one of the gifts he received in particular - a blow-up car with balls in it. This morning when I watched him playing in it again, I suddenly had a flash-forward (can I make up that word?) of him when he's 16 and asking for the keys to our car, or begging for a car of his own.
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