I'm a full-time wife and mom of two adorable boys. When I'm not busy trying to keep up with them I enjoy photography, traveling, planning parties and a little bit of reading.

In February of 2008 I was diagnosed with an incurable terminal lung illness, though God promised me a full and complete healing. While we wait for His timing, we're taking it one day at a time, and standing in awe of how God's using all of this for His glory. The tough road we've traveled has given us a new perspective on the fragility of life. Memories are more important to us than ever before. The goal of this blog is to share some of our family life - the ups and downs, the joys and probably some of the pains as well. It's mostly meant as a personal journal of sorts, but you're welcome to share in it. We'd like to take this opportunity to say ...


Friday, August 28, 2009

Popsicles and such

Before cooler weather comes, and the leaves begin to change, I decided it was time to use up some popsicles. So, the other night we headed outside. Since we have young kids - this step was absolutely necessary since we didn't want stained carpets!
Question: what happens when a certain someone decides to bite off more than he should? Answer: brain freeze and funny faces!
Alex's truck decided to go "off-roading in the mud puddles" - they were purple and smelled suspiciously like grape.
I don't do popsicles. But I do do Moose Trax ice cream! And this week Giant has Turkey Hill ice cream on sale - I stocked up!
As Aaron hooked up the hose to spray off the sticky remnants, Harrison tried to get a drink. He knew water came out of that thing, but couldn't figure out why it wasn't working....
You know you've done a good job instilling cleanliness when your 19 month brings you the freezing-cold popsicle that fell off the stick and says "clean up." Smile. One lesson successfully taught - five million more to go.

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