I'm a full-time wife and mom of two adorable boys. When I'm not busy trying to keep up with them I enjoy photography, traveling, planning parties and a little bit of reading.

In February of 2008 I was diagnosed with an incurable terminal lung illness, though God promised me a full and complete healing. While we wait for His timing, we're taking it one day at a time, and standing in awe of how God's using all of this for His glory. The tough road we've traveled has given us a new perspective on the fragility of life. Memories are more important to us than ever before. The goal of this blog is to share some of our family life - the ups and downs, the joys and probably some of the pains as well. It's mostly meant as a personal journal of sorts, but you're welcome to share in it. We'd like to take this opportunity to say ...


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Excavation Crew

Question ... Your name is Aaron.  It's a Sunday afternoon in mid-February.  Your wife and toddler are both taking naps.  How do you choose to spend "quality time" with your 5 year old?

Question ... Once the neighborhood kids show up in your driveway to join in the fun, how do you keep them happily occupied?


As you can see, the garden tools that were given to us have been VERY useful.  Thank you, kind woman who gave them! *smile*

Once again proof that WOMEN do the majority of the work around the house.

But if called upon, they can be VERY persuasive to get their brothers to lend a hand!

Ummm - I'm ASSUMING that Alex was "packing down" the snow over there to prepare for a third tunnel???

After all that hard work, it was time for a "distraction break" - after all, they're just kids, and don't drink coffee yet!

Oh!  Look at THAT - it was a "rabbit break"!!!  YAY!  One less rabbit to eat my garden in the Spring!  THANK YOU fabulous neighbor dog!

Now, I can't PROVE it, because I was in dreamland, but based on personalities, my guess is that this sweet girl was the chief architect and engineer of the entire tunnel project.

And there's my schmuffin trying out the second tunnel for size!

Kudos, kids, for a job well done!

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