I'm a full-time wife and mom of two adorable boys. When I'm not busy trying to keep up with them I enjoy photography, traveling, planning parties and a little bit of reading.

In February of 2008 I was diagnosed with an incurable terminal lung illness, though God promised me a full and complete healing. While we wait for His timing, we're taking it one day at a time, and standing in awe of how God's using all of this for His glory. The tough road we've traveled has given us a new perspective on the fragility of life. Memories are more important to us than ever before. The goal of this blog is to share some of our family life - the ups and downs, the joys and probably some of the pains as well. It's mostly meant as a personal journal of sorts, but you're welcome to share in it. We'd like to take this opportunity to say ...


Friday, September 18, 2009

Getting Busy

Two mornings ago I woke up with lists running through my head - even before my eyes opened. Rather than go certifiably nuts, I decided it was time to write out my to do list. Better to hyperventilate while looking at it in black and white than put lotion on my toothbrush and toothpaste on my face because I'm too distracted thinking about what needs done.

So. I sat down with my laptop and had a heart-to-heart, bare-your-soul kind of experience. We worked through a lot of our issues (mainly my STRESS), and laid it all out in the open. There are 164 things on my to do list - all before October 29th - and "pack" only takes up one line! This is in addition to normal things like laundry, grocery shopping, feeding and bathing the kids.... I have 41 days to get it all done, and Aaron will be in Pittsburgh for 23 of them. Yikes.

I can't even begin to imagine how much work I'd have to do if I hadn't been so incredibly productive the past 11 months. The list has officially been started - yesterday four things were crossed off. But at least there's an end in sight - and at least since our house is sold I don't have to keep it looking "presentable" anymore during the process!

So, I'm taking this opportunity right now, on the 18th of September to apologize. I'm sorry for all the emails I'm not going to respond to right away. I'm sorry for the un-returned phone calls. I'm sorry for missed birthdays and anniversaries. I'm sorry for the times I miss a social gathering. I'm sorry for not seeing you at the grocery store and returning your wave. I'm sorry for getting right to the point when we talk rather than kindly skirting around a difficult issue. I'm sorry for the wreck my house will be - if you come over please don't judge me! I'm sorry for begging and pleading with you for help to get a task done or to watch my kiddos while I tackle a project. I'm sorry for all the blogging (including reading yours) and FaceBooking I'm not going to get done. I'm sorry for being totally and completely self-absorbed during the next six weeks.

Please remember that I love you, I mean well, and this will end. Sane Julia will return ... one day!

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