It's been 8 days since my last post. That's not usual for me, and I've gotten several inquiries if I'm "sick" again, or in the hospital. I'm so pleased to reassure you that I'm not. But ... alas ... my laptop IS.
My laptop's been fighting with me for several months - periodically deciding to spontaneously turn itself off. (I know that's a split infinitive. Sorry, Dr. Finnegan - but I think it sounds better, and you did always tell us that writing's about "expression," and not just grammar.) I can't even remember how many (a dozen?) of my recent posts were written slowly over the course of a day - because the laptop kept shutting down. Two minutes after I posted the Christmas Morning photos, my laptop threw in the towel, and I wasn't able to get online again.
It's now been 8 days, and (thanks to having purchased an extended warranty), my laptop is getting some much needed rest and recuperation at the Best Buy Day Spa. Hopefully it'll come home sometime next week. And hopefully it'll be fully prepared to pull its weight around the house once again.
For those of you who're concerned - yes, I'm still struggling with computer withdrawal. But the symptoms are starting to settle a bit. I haven't twitched in the past five minutes, and have only spent half of today drenched in sweats. The fact that I've been using a Blackberry to get my email and facebook fixes definitely helps take the edge off somewhat.
Since I don't have the constant distraction of the laptop lately, I've been cleaning / organizing / rearranging furniture / redecorating our house like a crazy woman. Our hope is still to start painting next week, and I'm determined to have the house looking presentable first. We plan to tackle Alex's room and the guest room first - which are practically the only rooms that don't need wall paper or wall murals removed first.
So, sorry for the blogging interruption. Thanks for your concern (those of you who've asked). We're still plugging away on Dogwood - trying to turn this house into our home. Once my laptop's back I'll have much to catch up on. ... And thank you to the kind person who's letting me borrow theirs so I can let you know why I've been so silent.
#55 - Get me off this mountain
15 years ago
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