I've been told to expect "some discomfort" for at least the first six days each time I place my sub-q medicine in a new spot. Ummmm. That was an understatement! It's starting to get better now (thank goodness). At least I'm not sobbing at the moment and I'm not doped up on Codeine right now either (though it did help me sleep better last night). For at least two days of this I was simply non-functional. On Thursday while Aaron was at work, the kids did absolutely nothing all day except watch movies. Their food consisted of goldfish, crackers and string cheese (even hot dogs in the microwave was too much for me). I'm going to have to be much better prepared for the next time I need to change my location, and have food prepared ahead of time. But at least I now have a much better idea of what to expect.
I am SO glad that the house was unpacked BEFORE I did this transition! It's messy as all get-out right now, but at least we're not tripping over boxes. Since this week has been so rough, my mother came for several days (Mon-Thurs early morning), and my mother-in-law arrived Thursday night and hasn't left yet. Thank you, God, for mothers! They've both done a fabulous job entertaining the kids (and doing my dishes/laundry/etc.).
Yesterday Grandma and Alex made
chocolate chip cookies!
(which taste much better when you can
barely reach to help stir!)
And this morning Grandma took Harrison
for a nice long walk!
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