This is a shout-out to a post that I read today from someone else's blog. It's something that I can totally relate to - I'm pretty sure we all can. It's actually something I've been thinking about lately in my own life. Check out Jon's insight on "Discounting our small steps toward stupid" here. He explains the topic so much better than I could ever. For a little info on this guy, this blog is being turned into a book, being published by Zondervan - coming out later this year, I think.
My own small steps toward stupid include:
Eating constantly. This doesn't mean that my actual food intake necessarily increases (though sometimes it does), it's just that I'm constantly munching. I try to fill any void in my life, or concern, or stress ... with food. It's a bad habit that started when I was a pre-teen. This is one small step that actually happened when I was pregnant with Harrison, and I lost weight during that time. My concern was how out-of-shape (read: sick) I felt. And it's started up again lately over a stress/concern that's going on in our life. But this time I'm not losing weight.
Cursing in my mind. I've never been a big curser. When I was growing up I was punished for even saying "darn" or "heck" because they were substitutes for worse words. But I find each time I start slacking on my alone time with God, the first indicator I have is that curse words start to pop up in my mind. I rarely verbalize them. But when I stub my toe, or someone cuts me off in traffic I hear the words in my head.
The quality of tv/movies I watch. Generally my tv (if turned on at all) is on a cartoon channel. But on the rare chance that it's my turn to pick the channel, it's generally HGTV or FoodNetwork. But when I'm starting to take steps toward stupid, I find that I watch more trash - murder/crime shows, rated R movies, etc. When I'm where I should be spiritually, those types of shows/movies simply bore me.
So, now you know some of my steps toward stupid. So, if you notice that I'm starting to walk in that direction, please point it out to me. Often it's easier to brush it aside if no one but me notices, or comments on it.
What are some of your steps?
#55 - Get me off this mountain
15 years ago
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